14 August 2017
15:55 BRT (EST + 1 hour)
Oops, time got away from me. Well besides the extended weekend there hasn't been much happening. Soooooo, continuing!
On Friday, my mom's parent's came over in the morning and we all, the grandparents, parents and I, all piled into their truck and drove an hour to a city named Carazinho. It's where Christiano lives, I found out. Once we got there we went around to different places that I'm guessing were buy wheat from Odete's parents and so we delivered the bags to them as well as got to see their horses. After that we had lunch at a buffet place and went to a smaller market as well as a few other shops because the gparents were looking for a new light fixture. Also, we went to a big market! While there we got two watermelons and I got a glass litre of Cocoa Cola! I'm going to try and collect glass bottles while I'm here. I'll figure the technicalities out later. Forgot to mention, while we were in one of the stores looking at light fixtures, we found a GIGANTIC SPOON!!!
Next, on Saturday I got to go back to Carazinho again! This time with just Odete and Christiano, as well as we didn't leave until later in the day. First we went to Christiano's house because he had to grab something, then we went to where he works. He rode around on the horse I believe he is going to use in the rodeo and then let me ride for a while. However, while going to where I was going to ride around my knee got scraped on a wooden fence and now there's a small patch of skin gone and it's all bruised, but I'm fine! I've had plenty worse while riding horses. Later, we went to Christiano's sister's house and had dinner with them! It was 23:30 (11:30pm) when we got home.
(Somehow, Odete managed to get a picture right before I hurt myself.)
Happily, it was Sunday and so I didn't have to worry about not getting enough sleep. We got to just sit around and relax on Sunday. We had leftovers for dinner as well as I made mac and cheese!
Then the dreaded Monday came. Joking, it wasn't really all that bad. I went to school on the bus for the first time and started a new book during class. I rode the same bus home for lunch, then back to school and then Odete picked me up at the end of the day.
The next day, seeing as it was a half day, I didn't have to ride the bus back to school after lunch. As well as, since I had been reading this certain book that I started the previous day non-stop at school since I started it. I finished it not long before school was out on Tuesday! I have to admit, it was really good!! Also, I went to Cipex that evening and made everyone pancakes again! They were a bit different because I don't think I put enough sugar into them, but they were still good! Also, Camila, Andrea's coworker at Cipex, invited me to a CTG that night! I got to go and have some traditional food along with watch part of the performance. We ended up leaving part way through because it was almost 23:00 (11pm).
Next, Wednesday, school came and went, nothing really interesting happened except that once the bell rang to signal that the second class was over, everyone in the school started getting out of their chairs and leaving the school to some unknown location, or at least, it seemed that way to me. Turned out that there was a performance that we were going to watch preformed by some of the students in the school. Also, I went to Cipex again and finished gathering everything that I needed to get my Brazillian ID! As well as finished off my Sour Patch Kids candy. I ended up dumping all the sour sugar that was left over into a cup and (along with another student.) persuaded a different student to try and eat it all at once. He failed. Alsoooo, we may have told him it was regular sugar... By the way it wasn't only my idea, everyone who had been in the room agreed it was a good idea, there were four other people!
Paulo and I at the police office.
I just realized we were both wearing our Rotary sweatshirts. |
Finally, today! I had to get up at 06:00 (6am) this morning so that Andrea could pick me and Paulo up at 06:30 (6:30am) to drive to Santo Angelo. This is where I was going to have my police "interview" to get my Brazillian ID. The drive was just under 2 hours and we got lost along the way and were a little be late to our interview at 09:00 (9am). About 20 minutes late, but Andrea had called and told them the situation and they were okay with it. My interview went smoothly, had to get finger printed again and the person doing it didn't somehow get the dye under my finger nail this time, qudos to him. After the interview was over, we headed back and along the way took a snack break and then continued on our way! This time, we didn't get lost! Now, depending on if I'm able to find the ingredient I need from the market later, I will be making Stuffed Shells for dinner!!!