January 4 2018
10:40 BRT (EST + 3 hours)
Current Temperature: 22 C (71 F) Forecast of lots of rain.
Well, not much happened on Thursday, however the highlight of the day was..... drum roll in mind.... I got my hair cut!! Woohoo!
The next day I began the long project of repainting one of the rooms at Cipex. The room in particular being Andrea's "classroom!" Students are allowed to draw on certain parts of the walls, however it was time for a change, and so I started out by simply painting over the drawings with white. I spent about three hours at Cipex on Friday doing this.
On Saturday, I got into contact with some Brazilian friends and tried to set up a time when I would be painting at Cipex and we could all hang out. Sadly in the end, everyone had been busy, but I still got quite a bit of painting done! I was at Cipex for... six hours!
Sunday, I had a busy night ahead of me. My host mom left at about 21:30 (9:30pm) to go to church to celebrate the New Year. I stayed home and hung out with my kitten who was being surprisingly cuddly.

At about fifteen minutes until midnight, I started making myself some macaroni and cheese while doing a short FaceBook call with my friend and her mom. Shortly after the Brazilian New Year, we ended the call and I sent messages out to all my friends here in Brasil.
I then proceeded to have a plate of the macaroni and stayed up another three hours. Why? You may ask. Well, Brasil is three hours ahead of Indiana. Meaning in order for me to celebrate with my US friends and family, I will stay up until 03:00 (3am). This I did, I stayed up, and at 02:00 (2am) started another FaceBook call with the same friend along with a few others who had joined her for New Years. We played a very silly game of Apples to Apples and once 03:00 (3am) or 00:00 (12am) came around, I sent out messages to my US friends as well as my family.
After that I was quite tired. Oh, and did I forget to mention I had to get up at 08:00 (8am) the next morning?
Well, even though I had set an alarm to wake me up, I must've turned it off in my sleepy state because at 08:30 (8:30am), the time we were going to leave, my host mom came in and woke me up.
I might want to mention what we were doing, we were going to a family member's house to celebrate New Years Day. The car ride was two hours long, and it was a packed car. (Odete's parent's picked us up and they had another person with them.)
It was actually quite nice, we hung out there for the majority of the day and had lunch. Around 18:00 (6pm) or so, we headed home!
Annnnnnd, here's a silly out of context picture from the day...
On Tuesday, it was another relaxed day. I spent part of it hanging out with the wild Nero kitten when he came inside, and at one point made myself a torrada I am quite proud of.
If you don't know what I mean by torrada it is this... A torrada is a sandwich you can put anything in, and then you grill it. Imagine a grilled cheese, but you can put anything in it and it's MUCH less greasy. Torradas... are... amazing.
This particular one I made with some chicken and cheese.
Wednesday started off slow. However once about 16:00 (4pm) rolled around it was time to go. At this time, I went to Cipex and began painting once more. With all the work I'd done before, I only had to do a few more layers over certain parts of the walls to finish with the drawings.
Once it was about 17:00-17:30 (5-5:30pm) Paulo as well as Ana came around. Paulo was doing a quick review lesson with her before she left for Canada in the next few weeks. (I will mention, there were suppose to be two other boys with her, however they went to another city for the day.) Ps. These boys kept teasing me with pictures of Subway.
We all hung out and by the time I left at 19:00 (7pm), I had finished painting over the drawings, had created paper cut-out frames for the diamond and hexagon designs and had started taping out the hexagons!
Wish me luck!
Ps... Sorry for the delay... only realized I had forgotten about the blog when I had curled up in bed...