Thursday, March 8, 2018

Chaos!! But not?

8 March 2017
10:52 BRT (EST + 2 hours)
Current Location: Panambi

Well, not much has been happening over the past three weeks when explained in a week-to-week format. However, over the entirety of those three weeks a LOT has happened.

The reasoning for why I did not post or even pre-write out a blog for the 21st is that not much had happened during that time. I had been sketching a bit, and had managed to get a beautiful picture before it got too dark outside.
However, it might also be because that Wednesday, at about 14:00 (2pm) I was told that I was going to Panambi once more, and that I needed to pack about ten days worth of clothing and such. As it turned out, a family in a different city wanted to host me for a while and it fit into my nonexistant schedule perfectly!
So I managed to shower and pack everything I thought I might need in an hour and a half, which was half an hour before I was going to the bus station to take the bus to Panambi. I took the bus and arrived in Panambi at about 16:45 (4:45pm), where Ester picked me up. I spent the night at her house, and the rest of the crazy adventure began the next day...

So the next day, I woke up at 08:30 and got ready. Shortly after, Estar drove me almost an hour out of her way to a city called Palmeira das Missões. Fun fact about this city, they have a population of 38,000 people, only 1,000 more than what is recorded for Elkhart!
We met my host family at the shop that they own, they sold traditional gaucho/gaucha wear as well as many other things that are heavily inbedded in the culture here in Brasil. This place was called Rancho Gaúcho. (Look it up if you want!)
I stayed with them for the next six days, and during that time, I was able to get into contact with another exchange student who lives in Palmeira! She's from Canada and her name's Maggi. We ended up going out quite a bit and hanging out. One day Maggie, a friend of her's and I all made lunch for my family! With their awesome help as well as their other ideas, we made stuffed shells into a lasagna (we only had lasagna noodles), as well as a salad that Maggie has made multiple times for her family in Canada.
My family also had a swimming pool in their backyard that I took advantage off multiple times. I am a fish!!
When it had been time to leave, it was actually earlier than I thought it would be. As I had been told to pack for ten days, I thought I would be staying for exactly ten days. Instead I was simply told one day that I would be leaving on the following day in the afternoon.

Thus, I spent the day, after packing up, just laying around as it was too hot to go out and do anything. At around 19:00 (7pm), my host parents came and picked me up before driving me back to Panambi. It was quite a bumpy ride, as their car didn't handle bumpy roads as well as every other car I've been in so far.
Either way, we managed to arrive in Panambi in one piece, and after a short stop by Cipex to drop me off I was on my way to a slightly stressful next few days.

After having packed the essentials for one night into my backpack due to that being how it was on the way to Palmeira, I found out in the not so vocal way that it was not going to be that way. I ended up staying another day and another night, which ended up being okay because I had an extra shirt in my bag.
However, then on Saturday we thought that Andrea would be able to pick me up around noon. However, as was the reason for the delay before-hand, it had continued to storm throughout the day. As it turns out, it had been storming heavily over the few days before and had managed to do some damage to the major store in town, to a few homes that I know of, as well as a bit of flooding.
After a few more days of waiting, on Monday I found out as a surprise that I was going to my next host family. However, it wasn't anyone that I had thought it was going to be. I was going to be staying with Ester and Cris and their family. (Cris was the previous Inbound Coordinator, and Ester was the previous Club President.)
They are going to be my host family from now until I leave, along with quite a few other families in different cities who want to host me for a week or so each.
My next four months are going to be quite busy.

Oh, and did I mention the Amazon?