08:42 EST
I departure is coming very close. However, I am still waiting for my visa to come back, and the plans for my plane and all that can't be set until my visa arrives.
Beyond that, since we arrived home on Friday, my sister actually went to an anime convention in Fort Wayne, which is about 2 hours away. She left that night with some friends who were all going to the same convention and stayed the night with my aunt and uncle who live close to Fort Wayne. They spent the whole day Saturday there and came back that night.
While they were doing that, I got to enjoy sleeping until 10:00 (10am). It doesn't seem like that out of the normal but the whole time we were on vacation the latest I got to sleep in was 08:00 (8am). Then I got to have a half lazy day. I had to write all the logs for that vacation as well as mow the lawn. The whole time we were gone no one had mowed it.
I should explain this to anyone who knows that we own two cats, there was someone here taking care of them but we weren't going to ask him to mow the lawn. The person who cat and house-sat was my sister fiancee Gavin.
Also, our two cats are Boomer who is 7 years old now, and Luna who is almost 6 months old.

On Sunday I was able to go to church for the first time in about 2 months or so. I had been working almost every weekend unless I requested it off and every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. However, I was asking for more hours so that I would manage to gain the amount I needed for the payment for this trip. It was still really nice to not have to go to work at 08:00 (8am).
Our church has three adult services in the mornings, high schoolers are encouraged to go to at least one of these services. At the same time we have about 5 different children's classes going on around the building. Each class has its own age group up until 5th grade, around ages 10 and 11. Once kids go into 6th grade they go into the teen services.
These used to be combines, 6th grade, Jr High and High School all together, but now it is 6th grade and Jr High in the mornings while the adult services are going on. Meaning there are 3 services as well. This means that High School has to have a service at some other time. And so, High School has service during the night, at 18:30-20:00 (6:30-8pm). There is also a kind of service time on Wednesday nights at the same time where the whole youth group can come, Jr High and High School.
Going on, I was able to sit around during the day and hang out with my sister and Gavin and then went to the night service. Once I came home I hung out with them for a while longer and then went to bed!
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