Thursday, August 10, 2017

Fun Dentist

10 August 2017
11:22 EST

Monday was a pretty plain day. Everyone went off to work, however my sister is now in Virginia with my half sister and her family. She is going to be there this whole week. I was left alone until around 17:00 (5pm), and then had dinner and hung out with my parents until it was time to go to bed. This is when the dentist comes in. Tuesday, at 11:00 (11am), I had an appointment to  have my wisdom teeth removed. The dentist gave me pills I had to take at scheduled times before the appointment. I had to take one sedation pill the night before, then two sedation pills and a nausea pill an hour before the appointment.
On Tuesday, I got up at 8:30, took my pills at 10:00 (10am), and  then went to the dentist's office at 10:30. I remember bits and pieces of the procedure but it's become more foggy since a couple of days have passed. After that, I went home and just laid on the couch for the rest of the day, all swollen like a puffer fish. The dentist office also gave me pain medication which was very nice on Tuesday due to my whole face feeling only pain. However, it's been a day or so and already the swelling has gone down and I don't feel like I need pain meds every few hours.
Wednesday was just about the same as the later part of Tuesday, lots of laying around, and a lot of napping. The one thing I really don't like about having your wisdom teeth out, is that you can't eat proper food for a couple of days. My diet has mostly consisted of pudding, and on Wednesday I managed to have mac n' cheese for lunch. I keep seeing all these food commercials on TV and it makes me really want proper food. My parents told me that after another day I should be able to eat food, however I'd need to be careful.

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