24 August 2017
17:04 EST
Well the last few days were quite nice. Monday night my niece and nephews stayed the night here. Tuesday I got to sit around for a short while. On Wednesday, I partially cleaned my room, my mom and I went out to Taco Bell for lunch and we got me a new pair of wire headphones.
Oh, something I forgot to mention that happened on Tuesday...
And with my visa my flight itinerary with departure dates, arrival dates and everything in between! I will be leaving tomorrow, Friday the 25th of August, at 16:45 EST (4:45pm)!
With this news, I got back to working on my room today. I have cleared out most drawers of all things that have drawers in my room. I pulled out everything that ended up under my bed, and cleared out a good portion of my closet in case it might need to be used. I dusted and swept and removed a few things off my walls as well as rearranged a thing or two. It's kind of strange looking at my room now, a lot of things are missing, but it's clean. Now, my mission for the rest of the day is to find where my outlet converters got packed and pack a few things I forgot about or couldn't pack until now.
My parents have been treating me to out-to-eat food since I'm leaving. Yesterday, though it was mostly because neither of us wanted to make anything, my mom and I had Taco Bell. Today for lunch, my dad and I had Wendy's, also mostly because we didn't want to make anything, though my dad had Great Wall. And for dinner today, since it will be my last dinner with family - I was about to say in the US but I have a connecting flight in the US - we are having Texas Roadhouse.
Happily my friend Carissa will be joining us, for dinner and for the trip to the airport tomorrow. We, mainly she, had a few troubles figuring out what to do, but we managed. Together we figure out two option for what she could do for tomorrow, or tonight, both of which we ran by her mom to make sure it was okay. Option number one was that she stay the night tonight and not go to school tomorrow. (Also not go to work, but she already figured out that she was just going to call off.) Option number two was that she just leave during fifth hour and come with us to the airport.
(Some context as to school schedules and that stuff. Our school day doesn't get out until 14:50 (2:50pm), to get to the airport at the time we wanted we would have to leave at 14:15 (2:15pm).)
After having run by her mom, she is staying the night, and so she is coming to have dinner with us.
Thank you, to everyone. I don't think I can say that enough.
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