21:48 BRT (EST + 3 hours)
Current Temperature: 24 C (75 F)
SUPER sorry for the delay. I only just realized how I hadn't even started working on the blog and how it was supposed to go up two days ago.
--Thursday - Saturday
Nothing much happened over these days, we had a slow and relaxing week for the most part.
However on Sunday we did do stuff. We went to the host gparent's house! (Which is actually where I am right now while writing this, and at the moment they do not have the wifi turned on and so I cannot actually post this.) Well, we arrived at their house shortly before lunch and had lunch with them. Shortly after the wind, that had already been sorta strong all morning, started to pick up. We had a rainstorm!
At first it was just the super strong wind, but later it did start raining. Also, by super strong wind, I'm not exagerating. It was picking up dust from the dirt road and you could see the wind that way. Just as it started raining, we (Who had been sitting on the porch watching the wind, because the porch was shielded by the house.) noticed that there was a small bird hiding behind the fence out in the wind and rain.
As it turns out, the wind probably knocked the chick out of its nest and now it was stuck in the storm. Happily, Odete's mom went out and grabbed it. We kept it in a drawer in the bathroom until the wind calmed down enough. Then we released it for the parents to watch over.
After the entire storm calmed down, which was an hour or two later, Cristiano, Odete and I headed home for the day.

Now, Monday, stuff was scheduled. At 10:00 (10am), my counselor, Andrea picked me up and we headed out to go do some Christmas shopping! (Though it was technically just shopping.) I managed to find a new summer dress, as well as two pairs of leggings. After that, we went to Cipex where they were having a sort of celebration for the students who had graduated their class (Sorta, don't know how to explain it.). Though they had cake and such, and I hung out there for a short bit longer and then headed home.

--Tuesday + Wednesday
Not much happened over these two days, Andrea and I were going to go out again on Wednesday but some complications came up so we put a rain check on it. However I did love wearing the new dress, it made not feeling like I was going to melt a LOT easier.
PS Now again, super sorry for how late this is. Time has gotten away from me like crazy it seems. Also, for the people who I have learned get to ready these blogs as a sort of preperation for your own blogs, just remember you don't have to use the same style as everyone else. Find one that works for you. If you compare the first blog I put up to one from a few weeks ago then compare those two to this one, you'll notice I've sort of figured out my own way of organizing these blogs. As for the title, don't think too much about it and just write a silly or serious title for whatever happens during the week.
Good luck on your exchange years everyone!
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