17:51 BRT (EST + 3 hours)
Current Temperature: 31 C (87 F)
Thursday was actually quite busy once the afternoon came around. I slept in until about ten o'clock and then at 14:00 (2pm) I walked down to Cipex. After that, Andrea and I went out to the market to get paint, paint tools and tape and anything else we needed! Plus we dropped by the grocery area and I bought some snacks.
Anyways, we got two cans of white paint, and one can of blue paint. Plus some spackle for any holes in the walls left by the crazy students we all know go to Cipex. After that, an hour or two had gone by and Andrea dropped me off at home.
--Friday + Saturday
Nothing much happened on both of these days. However I do believe it was on one of these days that I had the pleasure of seeing another cockroach just relaxing on the wall up by the ceiling. It seems I've gotten used to it, at least partially, because I just calmly said, "Mãe, barata." (Mom, cockroach.) and pointed it out.
Sunday however was partially crazy, as it's Christmas Eve! We left the house a few hours after lunch and headed to Carazinho. We stayed with some family members for an hour or so before going to Cristiano's house for him to get into more formal clothes. While there we were greeted, or at least I was as I was the last one to walk in through the door, to a cockroach scuttling by and crawling under the fridge. He sprayed a bunch of pest spray under and around the fridge but it seemed to not have done anything because later it just crawled out and ran across the floor. Odete just kinda walked over and stomped on it. Normal Brasil in the summer for you.
Anyways, after this, we headed to Cristiano's sister's house where we had dinner! She set up her table very prettily and I ended up having to take a picture.
When I had asked on Sunday if we were doing anything the next day I was only told that there was a chance we were going to Odete's parents house. We didn't however. We just relaxed for the full day at home. Odete got me a present. A towel with my name and flag and inbound year stitched into it!

I finished the night by watching The Santa Clause with a mug of hot chocolate. Before it got dark, and before I had started the movie however I took a cool picture.

--Monday - Wednesday
Nothing much has happened over the past few days except LOTS of rain. Especially today. There was even a mini pool in our backyard because of all the rain!
I may have exaggerated but there was SO much water!
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